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How To Kill Your Cravings | 7 Foods to Eat When You're Craving Sugar | Shivangi Desai

How To Kill Your Cravings | 7 Foods to Eat When You’re Craving Sugar | Shivangi Desai

Which sugary foods do you crave? Tell me in the comments.💬

Do you have constant sugar cravings & don’t want to eat unhealthy sugary food?🤔

Most people have food that is filled with refined sugar & later regret having it.🙄

Here are some foods to eat when you have sugar cravings. 🤠
How Your Food works as Medicine?
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When: 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM | 27, 28 & 29 Dec 2022
Where: On Zoom
Language: Hindi

1) Banana🍌
✅bananas are a zero-fat food loaded with resistant starch (RS), a healthy carbohydrate that fills you up and keeps those cravings away. Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose – combined with an extra-large dose of fibre, it gives instant boost along with sustained and substantial energy.

2) Date
✅Dates do contain natural sugar. On average, a medium-sized date contains 6 gm sugar. But, it is also packed with fibre. This fibre slows down the release of sugar in bloodstream, preventing any spikes in blood sugar levels.

3) Figs (Anjeer)
✅Figs are the most sugar-dense fruit we found, with approximately 8 grams of sugar in just one medium-sized fig. A serving of figs usually amounts to four of the wrinkly fruits – meaning that you’d be consuming 32 grams of sugar total in your serving.

4) Dark chocolate🍫
✅100-gram bar of dark chocolate with 70–85% cocoa contains Dark chocolate has less added sugar than milk chocolate, it can still help satisfy your sweet tooth and give you a boost of dopamine and serotonin without driving spikes in blood sugar

5) Berries🍓🍒
✅berries are low-glycemic fruits, they provide plenty of sweetness without spiking blood sugar.
Berries also have high water content and are a good source of fiber, which helps you to feel fuller longer, balance blood sugar, and improve insulin sensitivity

6) Sweet Potato🍠
✅Because of its naturally sweet taste, the sweet potato can help you satisfy your yearnings for sugar, It’s full of good-for-you nutrients, like potassium, vitamins C and A, and magnesium.

7) Grapes🍇
✅Grapes have natural sugar with soluble fiber and lots of water. This helps you in sugar cravings but due to fiber and water, it fills your stomach too.
Want a customized plan for your health issue? Book your Exclusive One-on-One Health Coaching Session NOW via:➡
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from Healthy Eating – Techyrack Hub

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