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the Greatest STOIC QUOTES for a Strong Mind | Ancient Philosophy (1 hour)

Stoic Quotes for a strong mind. Be Unshakeable with this Stoic self-control and UNBREAKABLE STOIC mindset
1 hour of the Greatest STOIC QUOTES for a Strong Mind,
and Ancient Greek Philosophy quotes.
Powerful Stoicism !

Marcus Aurelius Quotes and Seneca Quotes and more of the best philosophy for a strong mind.

Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Epictetus and many more of the Greatest Philosophers in this video such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Zeno, Pythagoras, Herodotus, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and many more…!

Be Unshakeable: with the stoic mindset you will gain your True Power!
These Stoic Lessons will teach you how to be a stoic yourself.

Stoicism is found by Zeno of Citium and the most famous Stoic philosophers are Marcus Aurelius, Seneca and Epictetus.

Their famous works are:
Marcus Aurelius Meditations,
Seneca On the Shortness of Life,
Letters from a Stoic by Seneca,
The Discourses of Epictetus,
Enchiridion of Epictetus.

The four stoic virtues: wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation.
Try to practice stoicism daily and become a master of self-control.

Enjoy these Powerful and life changing narrated stoic quotes for a strong mind!
Listen everyday and practice stoicism.


More Stoic Quotes and Stoicism Philosophy videos you will love:

100 of the Greatest STOIC QUOTES for a Strong Mind:

TRUE POWER! Stoic Quotes for a Strong Mind | Stoicism Philosophy:

The ART Of LIFE | The MINDSET of Marcus Aurelius – life changing:


I need your opinion:
What is your favourite quote in this video? Is there another Stoic Quote that should have been in this TOP 100 list? And… Have you enjoyed this video? … Let me know in the comments section, below the video. Thanks in advance!


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-footage and sound effects by Storyblocks (with purchased license, for commercially use, no attribution required).

-Music by Artlist (with purchased license, for commercially use, no attribution required).

– these Stoic Quotes are public domain.

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